AI weekly (04/2020)

My selection of news on AI/ML and Data Science

+++ Improved protein structure prediction using potentials from deep learning +++ Microsoft open sources BERT optimizations in ONNX runtime +++ Introducing the Hopsworks Feature Store – the Data Warehouse for Machine Learning +++ Why Google thinks we need to regulate AI +++ A Look Back on Baidu’s AI Innovations in 2019 +++ Kernel-Based Ensemble Learning in Python +++ An introduction to audio data analysis using Python +++ Spark in Docker in Kubernetes: A practical approach for scalable NLP +++

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AI weekly (43/2019)

My selection of news on AI/ML and Data Science

+++ Quantum Supremacy Using a Programmable Superconducting Processor +++ Understanding searches better than ever before +++ The State of Machine Learning Frameworks in 2019 +++ Detectron2: A PyTorch-based modular object detection library +++ Welcome to Streamlit +++ bamlss: A Lego Toolbox for Flexible Bayesian Regression (and Beyond) +++ Deep Q-Network for Angry Birds +++ Machines Beat Humans on a Reading Test. But Do They Understand? +++ Kepler.GL & Jupyter Notebooks: Geospatial Data Visualization with Uber’s opensource Kepler.GL +++ SQLZoo – A Great Interactive SQL Tutorial +++ An overview of time series forecasting models +++ Python Data Preprocessing Using Pandas DataFrame, Spark DataFrame, and Koalas DataFrame +++

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