Data Leader Days 2019

Great event in Berlin near Oberbaumbrücke

Today I had the pleasure to present at Data Leader Days, a two-day management forum for leaders in the data space. 2019 marked its 5th edition, hosting data practitioners from Retail, Telco, Industrial Goods and Finance. Focus was on practical data science applications, with excursions into more specific areas such as data catalogs or deep learning based image processing. The event was located in the 030 event loft, an unusual venue with direct access to river Spree near Oberbaumbrücke. Here are some impressions:

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Berlin Festival of Light 2019

Each year in October, Berlin turns into a city full of light art. National as well as international artists are presenting their light installations and transform the city into a huge stage.

Some impressions from this year’s edition at the Berlin Cathedral:

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art  event"