Raspberry Pi / Arduino Robot

Overview of posts related to my evolving robot car, combining Arduino and Raspberry Pi

Bot in action

Bot in action


The Basics

Basic setup using Arduino and Raspberry Pi: Describing the basic construction of the bot, using Pirate-4WD Mobile Platform, Raspberry Pi and Arduino Uno.

Ultrasonic Range Sensor on the Raspberry Pi: Interfacing the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor module with a Raspberry Pi to measure distance. Using an oscilloscope to dive a little deeper into the inner workings of the sensor.

Remote Development on Raspberry and Arduino with VS Code: Short note on how to use Visual Studio Code to do remote development on a Raspberry Pi and even push Arduino sketches from the Raspberry console to an Arduino without touching the Arduino IDE.

Arduino Motor Control Using Serial Connection: Establishing bidirectional serial communication between the Raspberry Pi, acting as spiritus rector, and the Arduino, translating abstract intention into concrete motor control with the Adafruit Motor Shield.

Object Detection

Robot Operating System (ROS)